Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Baby's Fourth Month: Life Lessons for Mommy

MmMmmMm! 4 months old already!!! I can't believe it! He's already 1/3 of the way through his first year of life! Sheesh!

...Time is really flying now. It seems like he's growing up so fast. Now he's starting to lift up and try to sit up a bit. He wants to see everything going on around him. He wants to be upright more often when I'm holding him too. Hence the boppy and his swing are always propping him up!

...He's also spitting up more often lately. Ick. It's just so darn frustrating because I'm thinking "Geeze kid, it's not like we just spent 30 minutes breastfeeding or anything. No worries, I can just make more milk in the next 30 seconds."Not. Burp rags and bibs are my best friends these days.

...He is becoming his own person lately. I'm starting to notice he has opinions about things. For instance, when he is woken up he wants to eat. Not be laid back down on the changing table to be changed or cleaned up first. No way Jose - he wants his numnums NOW. And if he doesn't get it, he's definitely going to be pitching a fit. The funny thing is, it's our routine to change his diaper when he wakes up before he eats because he won't eat if its messy. It's just a lose lose situation I guess!

Things he loves right now:
His mirror
his play gym with toys dangling above him
his hands and fingers
watching himself move his own feet
smiling:-) A LOT
oh and his new seahorse glowworm!
watching the puppies play
daddy blowing on his belly and making him giggle

Things I LOVE about him and being a mommy this month:
his little hands - they're so pudgy and strong!
his little feet and toes - he's constantly trying to use them to grip things
his sweet mouth and the noises he makes
his facial expressions are hilarious
breastfeeding is so much easier
he's eating so much more efficiently!

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